God Makes No Mistakes....

God Makes No Mistakes....
What I live by....

Monday, July 26, 2010

My Thought...

I just had a birthday on Friday (July 23rd) and I must say it was one emotional rollercoaster. LOL!!! I'm better now and I'm trying to continue to be the best person that I can be and make decisions that don't hurt other people. I guess where I am in my life I feel myself changing and its scary, because in the mist of all the change I am trying to focus on my daughter, myself, and my career. There are decisions that I must make to continue to make a better life for myself and my daughter, and I know in a little while that change is going to come. This blog may seem SO random but its been on my heart and I have just been a little emotional these last few days about the direction of my life. I do know that in the end God has a plan and I am here to work that plan the best way I know how, and to walk in faith and not by sight.
Till next time.... Love yourself and be yourself!!! E! True Hollywood Story...
